Vibrational frequencies are something we have come to understand when we speak about radio, tv, and wireless networks. It is clear to us that in order to listen to a specific genre of music, or watch a show, or use WIFI, we know we need to tune in using their unique locator in the spectrum. What if….there were other frequencies that are not part of the spectrum that allows us access to these stations? What if…each of us had our own unique frequency? What if…we had the power to increase or decrease the intensity of our frequency? What if…the vibrational quality of our frequency affected every relationship, opportunity, and experience?
There is scientific proof that everything is vibrating, people, things, plants, even diseases. We have the ability to measure it using the same tools as they do for those frequencies in the spectrum, MHz or megahertz. The rose, for example, is the highest vibrating flower, at 320 MHz. Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology developed the equipment to measure the bio-frequency of humans and foods. The results were astounding!
Vibrational Frequencies
- Human Body……………..62-68 MHz
- Human Brain…………….72-90 MHz
- Cold/Flu Symptoms…..58 MHz
- Cancer…………………….. 42 MHz
- Processed Foods………. 0 MHz
- Fresh Produce…………..up to 15 MHz
- Fresh Herbs………………20-27 MHz
- Live Sprouts………………150 MHz
- Essential Oils…………….52-320 MHz
Everything has an electromagnetic field, including us. The difference is that we have the ability to illuminate our energy and increase our vibration whenever we want to using different techniques. The rose will always vibrate at the same level. It doesn’t have the ability to amplify or diminish its energy. Thus, the phrase, a rose is just a rose. But human beings are different and unique. We are able to increase or decrease our energy vibration through our thoughts, actions, and beliefs.
By vibrating at a higher level we can transform ourselves, our lives, and the world that we live in. We understand that the food we consume impacts us from a health perspective. What if…. that in addition to food, activities, and life style, there was an inner circuitry that you could use to elevate your life in significant ways? Would you be interested? Would you want to know how to turn that dial up?
What if….I told you that you can have it anytime and anywhere you want, that it doesn’t cost a thing, and that it is available to you right here, right now? Would you still be interested?
A whole new world. One that we define on our terms based on our vibration, our energy. How would that feel? What words would you use? Energized, ecstatic, joyful, open to all possibilities, positive, calm, happy?
Before you discount that this can happen or that we have the power to make this happen, take a moment to think about how our world has changed in the past 5 years. Look at examples of this in our everyday life… in how we connect, communicate, operate, interact, do business, shop, date, explore, expand, evolve, and learn. It is a new world and a new world order.
We have the power to take our life to a new level. It is already within you, waiting for you to tune it up, turn it on, and create a new reality for your self. Let’s take this journey together. It isn’t far and won’t take long. There are only 7 stops along the way. And you are already hardwired! All you need to do is activate, align, and accelerate to a life that is beyond your line of sight. Still interested?
Stay tuned for our first stop, Point of Power…POP #1.